Monday, 26 April 2021






(Learning material)


Recommendations are suggestions given on a particular issue.

Recommendation is more like a suggestion and instruction is like an order

Instructions are to be followed. You needn’t follow the recommendation. It is only a suggestion


Words like

Has/have to

Need to

Is essential

Ought to


Is necessary                 are used in recommendations


Recommendations make use of the model verbs, should be, must be, ought to be, need to be, could be, and have to be.


Expressions like

It is necessary that

It is suggested/ recommended/ advised

It is important

It is necessary to

It is imperative

It is mandatory

It is desirable

It is essential               are also used while writing recommendations


Example 1

Write a set of eight recommendations to save water.


Recommendations to save water     

1. Restaurants could save water by using paper plates and napkins to avoid using water for cleaning

2. When we don’t need water, we should turn the tap off and not leave it running

3. It is advised to check the pipelines periodically to plug in the leakages if any

4. It is suggested to construct more dams to save water we get during rains.

5. It is necessary to install roof-top rain harvesting, to recharge the underground water – table

6. It is important to construct check dams across the canals and waterways.

7. We should learn to use water judiciously.

8. We should always remember that water is the elixir of life.


Example 2:

Write 8 recommendations to save petrol


Petrol is becoming dearer day by day. It is truly said, ‘waste not, and want not.’ We should not waste petrol. We should take all possible steps and precautions to save petrol.


1. For fuel economy, we should keep the engine in good condition.

2. A vehicle should be fitted with an engine that gives a high mileage.

3. We should not keep the engine running when the vehicle is not in motion.

4. Frequent change of gear should be avoided to save petrol.

5. Tyres should be inflated at an optimum level of air pressure

6. We should change the engine oil periodically.

7. The vehicle should be serviced regularly, as ill maintained vehicle consumes more petrol.

8. Clutch driving should be avoided.



1. Write eight recommendations to maintain a computer in good working condition.

2. Write eight recommendations that must be followed by pedestrians.

3. Write a set of eight recommendations to parents to protect their children online.



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