Wednesday, 15 July 2015


·         Listening refers to the process of hearing a person with attention being paid to his words, tone, and body language.
·         Listening is a process of receiving and interpreting the spoken word.
·         Listening is a skill which can be cultivated; and developed, just like speaking, reading and writing.

Listening and hearing
·         Hearing is a physical activity that happens when one responds to auditory stimuli and it begins and ends with the response.
·         Listening, on the other hand, involves thought, emotion and interpersonal relational relationship.
·         A clear distinction should be made between listening and hearing.
·         Hearing happens automatically as it; is an involuntary physical act. It does not involve the conscious involvement of the listener. When you move on a railway platform, you hear several voices. You do not listen to them.  Suddenly there is an announcement on the public speaker and we listen to it.
·         When we listen, we pay conscious attention to what is being said.

Active listening:
Active listening is   listening carefully, with added effort   of trying to understand   the speaker’s thoughts and feelings and then, showing to him that you understand him. Active listening is quite difficult.  This requires concentration and discipline.
Difference between listening and hearing:
1.       voluntary
2.       requires conscious efforts
Happens automatically
3.       active process
Passive process
4.       A two way interactive process engaging the speaker and the listener
A one way process
5.       you listen to your girl friend ( just for fun)
You hear the noise.

Types of listening
Types of listening
Quality of listening
1.       superficial listening
Marginal listening
You hear uninterestingly on the road side about the opening of a new shop
2.       appreciative listening
Listening for pleasure
Listening to your favorite song at a programme
3.       focused listening
Listening for some specific information
You strain to listen to the announcement of the arrival of your train at Coimbatore junction
4.       evaluative listening
You try to evaluate a speech
You listen to a business proposal and try to decide whether it is worthwhile enough
5.       attentive listening
Your entire attention is devoted to listening
You are listening to your interviewer’s questions during a telephonic interview.
6.       empathetic listening
You listen not only to what the speaker is saying , but also identify yourself with the emotional state of the speaker
You listen to your friend’s sorrowful state and tears start rolling down your cheeks.

Review questions:
1.       define listening
2.       define hearing
3.       differentiate listening from hearing
4.       Enumerate the different kinds of listening with examples.


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