Monday 11 January 2021



      Guess the meaning of words in bold from the context. Choose the options from the answers given.

      1. The judgment of a good leader should not be coloured by prejudices

      a) tolerance                              b) bias

      c) broadmindedness                d) dishonesty

      2. A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining one’s health and fitness.

      a) peripheral                            b) necessary

      c) optional                               d) unnecessary

      Crucial:essential (NECESSARY)

      3. She is very kind and empathetic to patients

      a) indifferent                           b) compassionate

      C rude                                     d)careless

      4. Domestic servants are well paid these days

      a) foreign                                 b) intern

      c) household                           d) private

      5.Many modern buildings  have superfluous decoration

      a) good                                    b) more than needed

      c) beautiful                              d) attractive

      6. The player was at the pinnacle of his career when he died

      a) famous                                b) shining

c) peak                                    d) rich

      7. The water in the pond is stagnant and so smells bad.

      a) clear                                     b) dirty

      c) not moving                         d) dark



      8.The politician paid rich tributes on the death of his friend

      a) homage                   b) cry bitterly

      c) sacrifice                   d) praises


      9. His ancestral property was located at a remote place

      a) ancient                     b) rustic

      c) distant                     d) local


      10. Many farmers are commiting suicide on account of their inability to pay back their debt

      a) dues                                    b) arrears

      c) salary                       d) finances


      11. The behaviour of the criminal was rather detestable

      a) commendable                      b)despicable

      c) mysterious                           d) puzzling


      12. The health care services in India are understaffed

      a) ample                                   b)inadequate

c)sufficient                              d) excess





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